Have you ever wished if you where able to make your files and website accessible to public without uploading it to any servers? Well it is now possible so easily. WHAT YOU NEED? * Ngrok * Local server (like Wamp) Ngrok Ngrok is a multiplatform tunnelling, reverse proxy software that establishes secure tunnels from a public endpoint such as internet to a locally running network service while capturing all traffic for detailed inspection and replay. WHERE TO GET IT? https://ngrok.com/ WAMP Acronym for W indows/ A pache/ M ySQL/ P HP, P ython, (and/or) P ERL The WAMP stack provides developers with the four key elements of a Web server: an operating system, database, Web server and Web scripting software. The combined usage of these programs is called a server stack. In this stack, Microsoft Windows is the operating system (OS), Apache is the Web server, MySQL handles the database components, while P...