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Showing posts from July, 2018

Basics You Should Know to Analyze a Website

I recently realized that,giving walk through wont help half of the beginners..even i have struggled initially to make my own moves without knowing how other analysts are thinking.. So, Lets dive into some basic web tags which will help you know what the site is doing and analyzing.  Every website should have this basic structure... <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body></body> </html> Every web design is  structured using Hyper Text Markup Language. the code of HTML is written between <html> and </html> [opening and closing html tags] <head> tag is where we import important things such as CSS or JS files ..we also define CSS and JS within the head tag.Within head opening and close tags there is title tag which defines the title of the page.Then we have body tag,this is where the content of web-page is written.This is were we have to make a close look for analyzing. <div...