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Hack This Site Javascript mission 5

Uhm, faith spelled runescape wrong?

Just like other missions we have a password field.I tried to type random letters and hit enter and I got the error message "Nope... try again!" 
What should we do?Just like every other mission, view source and find the javascript behind this.When i looked inspect at the submit button, i got the name of javascript function, check.In the source code, find check finding it with 
ctrl+f .

<script language="Javascript">
moo = unescape('%69%6C%6F%76%65%6D%6F%6F');
      function check (x) {
        if (x == moo)
          alert("Ahh.. so that's what she means");
          window.location = "../../../missions/javascript/5/?lvl_password="+x;
        else {
          alert("Nope... try again!");

So its clear that out password is checked with value in the variable moo.
What is the value of moo?we can find it in two ways,either we goto some online javascript editor and paste this code and run:

<script language="Javascript">
moo = unescape('%69%6C%6F%76%65%6D%6F%6F');

Right click and select inspect
In that, select console
In the console,Type :


Hit enter and you will get the value of the variable moo.
and that is the password.


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