var foo = 5 + 6 * 7var bar = foo % 8
var moo = bar * 2
var rar = moo / 3
function check(x)
if (x.length == moo)
window.location += "?lvl_password="+x;
} else {
alert("fail D:");
from statement function check(x) , we know that our input is taken into the variable(storage space) 'x'.That means, >> if (x.length == moo) << This condition checks if our input password length is equal to the value of moo.If condition is correct, we will win!
what is the value of moo? Don't go with calculations and all,if you like it that way its okay ,if not ,
goto to some online java-script running websites like this Online Javascript Editor .
Now copy paste the code they have given, remove the function part,add this statement :
var foo = 5 + 6 * 7
var bar = foo % 8
var moo = bar * 2
var rar = moo / 3
Now you have got the value of moo..All you have to do now is type some letters until you have word length equal to the value of moo! YOU WON!
Value Of moo
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