Uncle Arnold's Local Band Review
Your friend is being cheated out of hundreds of dollars. Help him make things even again!
After Finishing our basic missions and JavaScript missions we gained a lot of confidence.Now it is time to test in real life scenario. This is where Realistic missions comes in handy.
From: HeavyMetalRyan
I know you're good with computers and stuff, so I was wondering, is there any way for you to hack this website and make my band on the top of the list? My band is Raging Inferno. Thanks a lot, man!
After reading this poor guy's message, I feel like i must help even though I am not as good in computer as he thinks and it is not easy to hack any website as he may think . So let us visit this uncle Arnold's page and see what we can do.
I saw this guy's band name at the last of list.
Now its yours as well as my turn.Summon all the knowledge we learned in the past missions and apply it here. Analyse the webpage thoroughly,especially the button for voting.
<select name="vote">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<input type="submit" value="vote!">
I don't see any thing suspicious but we wont let anything slip away.
I just right clicked on the vote button below our raging inferno and selected inspect. The same code as above is there ..now what i did is just changed the value="1" to value="999999".
Gotcha! that's it they have no protection all we have to do was to change the value to something big and that much vote will be sent and our band will be the winner.
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